On 8/17/18 3:36 AM, Atila Neves wrote:
Here's a struct:

struct MyStruct {
     import core.stdc.stdlib;
     int* ints;
     this(int size) @trusted { ints = cast(int*) malloc(size); }
     ~this() @trusted { free(ints); }
     scope int* ptr() { return ints; }

Let's try and be evil with -dip1000:


// struct MyStruct ...

const(int) *gInt;

void main() {
     auto s = MyStruct(10);
     gInt = s.ptr;

% dmd -dip1000 scope_inout.d
scope_inout.d(26): Error: scope variable this may not be returned


What if instead of `auto` I write `const` instead (or immutable)? This is D we're talking about, so none of this boilerplate nonsense of writing two (or three) basically identical functions. So:

// used to be scope int* ptr() { return ints; }
scope inout(int)* ptr() inout { return ints; }

Does scope apply to the return value or the `this` reference?

What happens if you remove the return type? (i.e. scope auto)


% dmd -dip1000 scope_inout.d
% echo $?
# nope, no error here

Wait, what? Turns out now it compiles. After some under-the-breath mumbling I go hit issues.dlang.org and realise that the issue already exists:


I don't see what this bug report has to do with the given case.

For reasons unfathomable to me, this is considered the _correct_ behaviour. Weirder still, writing out the boilerplate that `inout` is supposed to save us (mutable, const and immutable versions) doesn't compile, which is what one would expect.

So: @safe + inout + scope + dip1000 + custom memory allocation in D gets us to the usability of C++ circa 1998. At least now we have valgrind and asan I guess.

"What about template this?", I hear you ask. It kinda works. Sorta. Kinda. Behold:

scope auto ptr(this T)() { return ints; }

After changing the definition of `ptr` this way the code compiles fine and `ints` is escaped. Huh. However, if you change `auto s` to `scope s`, it fails to compile as <insert deity> intended. Very weird.

This seems like a straight up bug.

If you change the destructor to `scope` then it also fails to compile even if it's `auto s`. Because, _obviously_, that's totally different.

I'd file an issue but given that the original one is considered not a bug for some reason, I have no idea about what I just wrote is right or not.

What I do know is I found multiple ways to do nasty things to memory under the guise of @safe and -dip1000, and my understanding was that the compiler would save me from myself. In the meanwhile I'm staying away from `inout` and putting `scope` on my destructors even if I don't quite understand when destructors should be `scope`. Probably always? I have no idea.

This doesn't surprise me. I'm beginning to question whether scope shouldn't have been a type constructor instead of a storage class. It's treated almost like a type constructor in most places, but the language grammar makes it difficult to be specific as to what part it applies.


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