On Wed, Aug 22, 2018 at 05:56:09PM +0100, Russel Winder via Digitalmars-d wrote:
> On Thu, 2018-08-16 at 16:33 -0700, H. S. Teoh via Digitalmars-d wrote:
> […]
> > I read both articles, and am quite impressed by the revolutionary
> > way of looking at concurrency.  It provides a clean(er) abstraction
> > that can be reasoned about much more easily than currently prevalent
> > models of concurrency.  Seems it would fit right in with D's
> > message-based concurrency communication model.
> I found the assumptions about what goroutines were to be wrong. Yes
> there is an interesting structure built using Python context managers
> to manage tasks executed by time division multiplexing, but is that
> really needed since the current systems work just fine if you have
> threadpools and multiple executing threads – as Java, Go, etc. have
> but Python does not.

I approached the article from a language-independent viewpoint. While I
know a little bit of Python, I wasn't really very interested in the
Python-specific aspects of the article, nor in the specific
implementation the author had written.  What caught my interest was the
concept behind it -- the abstraction for concurrent/parallel computation
that is easy to reason about, compared to other models.

The main innovative idea, IMO, is the restriction of parallel/concurrent
processing to the lifetime of an explicit object, in this case, a
"nursery". (TBH a better term could have been chosen, but that doesn't
change the underlying concept.)  More specifically, the lifetime of this
object can in turn be tied to a lexical scope, which gives you an
explicit, powerful way to manage the lifetime of child processes
(threads, coroutines, whatever), as opposed to the open-endedness of,
say, spawning a thread that may run arbitrarily long relative to the
parent thread.

This restriction does not limit the expressive power of the abstraction
-- it "gracefully degrades" to current open-ended models if, for
example, you allocate a nursery on the heap and spawn child processes /
threads / etc. into it.

However, by restricting the open-endedness of child (process, thread,
...) lifetime, it gives you the ability to reason about control flow in
a much more intuitive way.  It restores the linearity of control flow in
a given block of code (with the well-defined exception if a nursery was
explicitly passed in), making it it much easier to reason about.  Unless
you're explicitly passing nurseries around, you no longer have to worry
about whether some function you call in the block might spawn new
processes that continue running after the block exits. You no longer
need to explicitly manage shared resources and worry about whether
resource X could be released at the end of the block. And so on.

Even in the more complex case where nurseries are being passed around,
you can still reason about the code with relative ease by examining the
lifetime of the nursery objects.  You no longer have to worry about the
case where background processes continue running past the lifetime of
the main program (function, block, etc.), or manually keeping track of
child processes so that you can sync with them.

Once you have this new way of thinking about concurrent processing,
other possibilities open up, like returning values from child processes,
propagating exceptions, cancellation, etc..  (Cancellation may require
further consideration in non-Python implementations, but still, the
model provides the basis for a cleaner approach to this than open-ended
models allow.)

> > Indeed.  It certainly seems like a promising step toward addressing
> > the nasty minefield that is today's concurrent programming models.
> I'd say processes and channels works just fine. What is this really
> providing outside the Python sphere? (Also Javascript?)

Functionally, not very much.

Readability and understandibility-wise, a lot.

And that is the point. I personally couldn't care less what it
contributes to Python, since I don't use Python very much outside of
SCons, and within SCons concurrent processing is already taken care of
for you and isn't an issue the user needs to worry about. So in that
sense, Trio isn't really relevant to me.  But what I do care about is
the possibility of a model of concurrency that is much more easily
understood and reasoned about, regardless of whether the underlying
implementation uses explicit context-switching, fibres, threads, or
full-blown processes.

Basically, what we're talking about is the difference between a control
flow graph that's an arbitrarily-branching tree (open-ended concurrency
model with unrestricted child lifetimes: one entry point, arbitrary
number of exits), vs. a single-entry single-exit graph where every
branch eventually rejoins the parent (nursery model). Having an
arbitrarily branching control flow means many concepts don't work, like
return values, propagating exceptions back to the parent, managing child
lifetimes, etc..  Having well-defined joining points for all children
means that it's possible to have well-defined return values, exception
propagation, manage child lifetimes, etc..

I don't claim this solves all the difficulties of comprehension in
concurrent programming, but it does reduce the mental load by quite a
bit. And that to me is a plus, because reduced mental load means the
programmer is more likely to get it right, and can spend more effort
actually focusing on the problem domain instead of wrestling with the
nitty-gritty of concurrency.  More productivity, less bugs.  Like using
a GC instead of manual memory management.  Or writing in D instead of
assembly language. :-D


Almost all proofs have bugs, but almost all theorems are true. -- Paul Pedersen

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