On Thursday, 23 August 2018 at 06:34:01 UTC, nkm1 wrote:
The only real problem with D is that it's a language designed with GC in mind, yet there are numerous attempts to use it without GC. Also, supporting GC-less programming gets in the way of improving
D's GC (which is pretty damn bad by modern standards).
That's the only real technical problem.

I think a large part is defining what kind of users D wants to attract. There are two main groups of programmers, and there is a vast rift between those groups. One group is people who are closer to OOP programming and languages such as Java, C#, Javascript. These people are OK with things like garbage collectors and in cases where it matters, have learned to work around it (avoid allocations in hot loops, etc.). I feel like D1 was attractive for these people for having the convenience they are used to from their languages (batteries included standard library, automatic memory management), with additional features that their language/environments struggle with (C interop, native binaries), everything packed
with a very clean syntax.

The second group are the C/C++ programmers, the 'zero cost abstraction' group. For this group of programmers, any overhead is a disadvantage, garbage collector is unusable for most usecases (whether true or not, that's the perception). D1 appealed to those people, for having a clean syntax and the features they know without having to include the monster that is Boost. Battlefield was different back then too. Around D2 came the competition, be it Rust, Go, or C++17. Go is appealing more to the first group of programmers, since it has a GC, and mostly sticks to webservice usage. Rust is heavily appealing to the zero-cost abstraction group and C++17 obviously appeals to C++ folks.

Is it possible to make a language that both groups would be happy to use? Perhaps, or perhaps the gap is too wide. Is adding features like dip1000 and betterC spreading ourselves too thin? Perhaps. Perhaps there are features that aren't really used, and should be reworked or cut from the language instead (has anyone ever used contracts?).

D's not UNIX (DNU?), but the first rule of UNIX philosophy is "Make each program do one thing well. To do a new job, build afresh rather than complicate old programs by adding new 'features'.". It may or may not be relevant here.

BTW. on the offtopic note - the thread title doesn't look too good. Imagine being a newcomer, and the first thread you see on the forum is titled "D is dead".

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