I've chosen to work on Mago, with the following goals:

-Porting it to D first and foremost to make code maintenance and expansion easier in the future. -Add better support for Win32-COFF (there's a few more bugs compared to Win32-OMF in my experience) and Win64-COFF. As I read COFF32 needs some manual installation, which will be made easier by either a Powershell script, or even a custom installer, the latter might branch out on its own project.
-Fix some general bugs, like the non-working -break-insert -f.
-Add some simple GUI for Mago-mi instead of just the GDB compatible text interface.
-Make it to work better with LDC if possible.

If I'll have time after the main milestones, I might add other functions besides the bug fixes, such as a memory editor, ability to debug programs and codes written in C and other languages for interoperability.

Additionally you can help me to work on my college thesis. I still haven't chosen my subject matter, but it'll be either my graphics engine "PixelPerfectEngine", my compression library "lzbacon", or this if it's allowed. I need a mentor/consultant (the latter is what I got for the translation of the word "konzulens"), your main job is to help me out a bit.

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