On Saturday, 1 September 2018 at 08:19:49 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:
On 8/31/2018 11:59 PM, Paulo Pinto wrote:
For example, in any CS program, are there any courses at all about this?
Yes, we had them on my degree,

I'm curious how the courses you took compared with the articles I wrote about it.

I will read the articles later, but as overview, we learned about:

- requirements gathering
- architecture design based on several methodologies, back then it was Booch, ER, Coad and the newly introduced UML
- introduction to way to manage source control, rcs and cvs
- design by contract, via Eiffel
- use of abstract data types as means to achieve clean architectures with separation of concerns - ways to perform testing, way before unit testing was even a thing - we had a semester project going from requirements gathering, design and implementation that was validated how well it achieved those goals.

Which on my year it was the implementation of subway ticketing system with automatic control of access doors, just the software part. The sensors and door controls were simulated.

And the implementation of a general purpose B+ tree library, another semester long project, whose integration tests where not available to us.

We had one week time to make our library could link and successfully execute all the tests that the teacher came up with for the acceptance testing phase. We did not have access to their source code, we just provided our lib.a.

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