On Tue, 4 Sep 2018 at 21:40, Walter Bright via Digitalmars-d
<digitalmars-d@puremagic.com> wrote:
> On 9/4/2018 5:31 PM, Manu wrote:
> > I'm just showing one case that you tend to be confronted with
> > immediately, which is that if you import a module, and then open a
> > namespace with the same name as the root namespace of a module you
> > imported, that is an error condition; the namespace conflicts with the
> > root namespace of the import.
> I have 30 years of experience doing tech support. I'm not going to guess what
> the problem is, or try to reconstruct an example from a handwavy description.
> Been there, done that, far too many times. It just wastes my time and will 
> only
> frustrate you because I'll solve a different problem.

"A handwavy description"!
What do you mean? I started the email with the code... if you compiled
it you would have reproduced those error messages. Yes the line
numbers would have been different line numbers, because I deleted all
the other lines, but the code I pasted reproduces the errors
And you know that anyway. You don't need to compile the code to
understand the error, we've been over it countless times for years

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