On Sunday, 9 September 2018 at 04:59:08 UTC, Josphe Brigmo wrote:
Yes, but the fact is they would not appreciate my work because they do not appreciate it now.

I can't really argue against that logic.
But then again, I fail to see when such a situation would apply.
I personally use the tortoisesvn diff viewers bound to hotkeys to help me with this, giving me perfect date and revision tracking + commit messages.

Like you said, you might not have access to internet but git has the full history on your local repo and thus allowing you to do this.

My personal preference is with mercurial, but this this works with pretty much any source control system that has a local repo and a working directory.

All it can do is add bloat. That is it!

No one here wants more bloat, and that's what they're scared of.
And that's why a usecase for this proposal is so much wanted.

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