On Monday, 24 September 2018 at 09:19:34 UTC, Chris wrote:
On Sunday, 23 September 2018 at 02:05:42 UTC, Jonathan M Davis wrote:

With regards to D1 users who are unhappy with D2, I think that it makes some sense to point out that a subset of D2 can be used in a way that's a lot like D1, but ultimately, if someone doesn't like the direction that D2 took, they're probably better off finding a language that better fits whatever it is that they're looking for in a language. Trying to convince someone to use a language that they don't like is likely to just make them unhappy.

- Jonathan M Davis

Maybe it's time for D3. Pick and choose the things that work and really do make sense and discard others that don't add much value but only bring trouble. I think D2 is a nice collection of Lego bricks by now that could be used to build something truly great.

I don't agree; the time for D3 is still many years away. Transitiong to D3 now would be suboptimal, as the D2 language is still being "explored". The D community as a whole needs more experience with the language to understand pain points, so we can make more informed changes in D3 (if D3 ever happens; it may not need to).

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