
I'm wondering what’s the deal with dmd.conf and what’s the correct way to handle it with dmd installations.

Scenario: `brew install dmd` puts dmd in `/usr/local/bin/dmd` (symlink) and sets the `SYSCONFDIR` in its build config so `dmd.conf` is in `/usr/local/etc/dmd.conf`.

AFAICT: that seems correct. Is it?

The problem comes with tools like digger. Which seems to be part of DMD’s PR process as D bot seems to love it :) so I guess it's officially supported? - plus it seems super convenient for dmd development.

But anyway, it’s broken on the mac if you use brew (and brew is [probably?] defacto). There is a workaround when running `digger build` but it’s not nice, and you’d never be able to guess it, and it’s error prone [0].

When you do `digger install` it seems to not “install” a `dmd.conf` but it does install the `dmd` binary in `/usr/local/bin/dmd` - but that wasn’t built with `SYSCONFDIR` so it doesn’t find `/usr/local/etc/dmd.conf` either, but even if it did, that’s the wrong `dmd.conf` (i.e. not the one that the build was based on - so would it even point to the right env?).

So basically, is dmd.conf supposed to go along with an ad hoc installation of dmd?

And, is dmd.conf necessary or can I safely ignore its existence? (it seems like maybe dub depends on it though so maybe not).

- Ali


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