On 03/10/18 16:56, Stanislav Blinov wrote:
struct S {
     this(S rhs);

OMG, that's so simple!!! Why didn't I think of it?

Oh wait, I did.

And this simply and utterly doesn't work.

If you read the DIP, you will notice that the *address* in which the old instance resides is quite important for performing the actual move. This is not available with the interface you're suggesting, mainly because by the time you have rhs, it has already moved.

In other words, for the interface above to work, the type must already be movable, which kinda contradict what we're trying to achieve here.

in C++ would have an equivalent signature of

ReturnType foo(Type&& x); // NOT ReturnType foo(Type x);

No, it is not. You see, in C++, x is an "rvalue *reference*". x has not moved by this point in the run, it has simply had its address passed to foo. Please see https://stackoverflow.com/questions/28483250/rvalue-reference-is-treated-as-an-lvalue


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