On Sunday, 14 October 2018 at 10:51:11 UTC, Vijay Nayar wrote:
But as previous posters have said, the code is not really very different between Nim and D. Most of it is array manipulation and arithmetic operations, and not many of the features of either D or Nim are very different. Both turn into fast code, both have garbage collection, and both have generally similar operators and libraries for this kind of problem.

The biggest differences I observed revolved not around the languages themselves, but around code style.

Are you aware of DCompute? [1] I haven’t used it myself but since Jabari explicitly mentioned taking advantage of the GPU, it may be worth giving it a try. It should have an impact on performance and possibly on style as well, even though it will still be D. It would be nice if Nicholas could chime in on this thread.


[1] https://dlang.org/blog/2017/10/30/d-compute-running-d-on-the-gpu/

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