On Sunday, 14 October 2018 at 23:28:04 UTC, Nick Sabalausky (Abscissa) wrote:
Was just thinking about this: I've often liked the idea of having a terminal emulator built-into my code editor, so it could auto-highlight errors/etc and do jump-to-line on ANY variation of build command, without having to set up a custom build tool in the editor for "the is the exact command to build my project". (Yes, Iknow that full IDEs...and even many editors support jump-to-line, but they generally don't support running arbitrary modifications of commands without manually setting up ahead of time a very specific instance of a command).

But it just occurred to me: There's no reason any ordinary terminal emulator couldn't be written to do the same thing. A setting for a custom regex to look for, another setting for a command to run when the line is clicked on. That should be about it. The user's editor would have to support some kind of "editor --jump-to..." feature, but aside from that...well, why the heck not?

The terminal emulator I've been using (Konsole) doesn't appear to have anything like that, AFAICT. But I'm not really married to Konsole. Anyone know of another terminal with a feature like this?

VTE can certainly do this. It's the library many people use to embed a terminal in their app (or to make terminals, like Tilix). You can look at the API to get a better idea of what's possible https://developer.gnome.org/vte/0.48/VteTerminal.html. Click on message is certainly possible.

I use VTE in Coedit but so far the only advanced feature is that it follows the projects path and/or the editor file path dynamically. Useful but far from what you describe, which is done elsewhere.

I think that Konsole must be based on something similar to VTE (i.e a library) because the way it's integrated in Dolphin for example shows that it's not just a window that's hosted (it follows the path selected in the explorer... oh i remember where i stole the idea now...)

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