On 22.10.18 02:54, Manu wrote:
On Sun, Oct 21, 2018 at 5:40 PM Timon Gehr via Digitalmars-d
<digitalmars-d@puremagic.com> wrote:

On 21.10.18 21:04, Manu wrote:
On Sun, Oct 21, 2018 at 12:00 PM Timon Gehr via Digitalmars-d
<digitalmars-d@puremagic.com> wrote:

On 21.10.18 17:54, Nicholas Wilson wrote:

As soon as that is done, you've got a data race with the other
existing unshared aliases.

You're in @trusted code, that is the whole point. The onus is on the
programmer to make that correct, same with regular @safe/@trusted@system

Not all of the parties that participate in the data race are in @trusted
code. The point of @trusted is modularity: you manually check @trusted
code according to some set of restrictions and then you are sure that
there is no memory corruption.

Note that you are not allowed to look at any of the @safe code while
checking your @trusted code. You will only see an opaque interface to
the @safe code that you call and all you know is that all the @safe code
type checks according to @safe rules. Note that there might be an
arbitrary number of @safe functions and methods that you do not see.

Think about it this way: you first write all the @trusted and @system
code, and some evil guy who does not like you comes in after you looks
at your code and writes all the @safe code. If there is any memory
corruption, it will be your fault and you will face harsh consequences.
Now, design the @safe type checking rules. It won't be MP!

Note that there may well be a good way to get the good properties of MP
without breaking the type system, but MP itself is not good because it
breaks @safe.

Show me. Nobody has been able to show that yet. I'd really like to know this.

I just did,

There's no code there... just a presumption that the person who wrote
the @trusted code did not deliver the promise they made.

Yes, because there is no way to write @trusted code that holds its promise while actually doing something interesting in multiple threads if @safe code can implicitly convert from unshared to shared.

but if you really need to, give me a non-trivial piece of> correct 
multithreaded code that accesses some declared-unshared field
from a shared method and I will show you how the evil guy would modify
some @safe code in it and introduce race conditions. It needs to be your
code, as otherwise you will just claim again that it is me who wrote bad
@trusted code.

You can pick on any of my prior code fragments. They've all been ignored so far.

I don't want "code fragments". Show me the real code.

I manually browsed through posts now (thanks a lot) and found this implementation:

struct Atomic(T){
  void opUnary(string op : "++")() shared { atomicIncrement(&val); }
  private T val;

This is @system code. There is no @safe or @trusted here, so I am ignoring it.

Then I browsed some more, because I had nothing better to do, and I found this. I completed it so that it is actually compilable, except for the unsafe implicit conversion.

Please read this code, and then carefully read the comments below it before you respond. I will totally ignore any of your answers that arrive in the next two hours.

module borked;

void atomicIncrement(int* p)@system{
    import core.atomic;

struct Atomic(T){
    private T val;
    void opUnary(string op : "++")() shared @trusted {
void main()@safe{
    Atomic!int i;
    auto a=&[i][0];// was: Atomic!int* a = &i;
    import std.concurrency;
    spawn((shared(Atomic!int)* a){ ++*a; }, a);
    ++i.val; // race

Oh no! The author of the @trusted function (i.e. you) did not deliver on the promise they made!

Now, before you go and tell me that I am stupid because I wrote bad code, consider the following:

- It is perfectly @safe to access private members from the same module.

- You may not blame the my @safe main function for the problem. It is @safe, so it cannot be blamed for UB. Any UB is the result of a bad @trusted function, a compiler bug, or hardware failure.

- The only @trusted function in this module was written by you.

You said that there is a third implementation somewhere. If that one actually works, I apologize and ask you to please paste it again in this subthread.

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