On Sunday, 21 October 2018 at 17:15:03 UTC, Russel Winder wrote:
On Sun, 2018-10-21 at 08:42 +0000, Paolo Invernizzi via Digitalmars-d wrote:

Linux is not only the desktop, and Qt simply dominates in industrial, medical and automation sector, that's where the money is.

Qt is pushing strongly on the embedded marked, bare metal or linux (kernel) based...

Which means that D not having a good play in the Qt space is a big barrier to adoption. This means it ought to be a strategic goal to have
a (and I think I mean one here) D binding to Qt and QML.

It's easy to go and proclaim a strategic goal such as this. What actually matters is execution. And that requires some serious developer time that someone (ideally a whole team) needs to invest. I don't see this happening without some equally serious financial backing.

I, for one, won't have any time to work on such a thing in the foreseeable future.

Does anyone have experience with bounty programs? I envision one where bounties get posted with an open pool for each one. That is, if you agree that one task should be done, you can put additional money into its pool and make that particular bounty more attractive. It won't help attract professional developers but it might nudge some hobbyists to earn some money while taking on an interesting challenge. This might work for all the small things around D that lots of D users don't like and want improved.

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