On 20/12/2009 03:11, BCS wrote:
Hello Yigal,

On 18/12/2009 17:34, dsimcha wrote:

I think variadics, static if and alias parameters qualify more as a
"better design" than fixing "minor issues".

actually they qualify as - "even worse design". duplicating the syntax
like that is butt ugly.

I for one think that it's a better design than C++ has. (Given that 99%
of what they do, C++ was never designed to do at all, you'd be hard
pressed to come up with a worse design without trying to.)

If you can come up with an even better design for compile time stuff,
I'd be interested.

the conflation of user-code and library code.

Could you elaborate on this?

but even more frustrating is the fact that
template compilation bugs will also happen at the client.

Jumping back a bit; which client? The one with the compiler or the end

If the first; removing this puts major limits on what can be done
because you can't do anything unless you be sure it will work with the
open set of types that could be instanceiated, including ones you don't
know about yet. I know some system like c# requiter you to define what
you will do to a type at the top and then enforce that. IMHO this is a
non-solution. Without be to silly I think I could come up with a library
that would requiter a solution to the halting problem in order to check
that the template code can't generate and error with the given constants
and that a given type fits the constraints, both without actuality
instanceate the template for the type.

If the second; nether D nor C++ have to worry about that.

.Net generics for example work by creating an instantiation for each
value type (same as c++ templates) and one instantiation for all
reference types since at the binary level all reference types are

I don't know how it does it but there has to be more to it in C# because
they allow you to do thing to the objects that Object doesn't support.
For that to happen, the objects have to be wrapped or tagged or
something so that the generics code can make "foo.MyFunction()" work for
different types. If I has to guess, I'd guess it's done via a vtable
either as a "magic" interface or as a fat pointer.

Oh, and if the above is garbage because C# can't access totally
independent methods from a generic, then right there is my next argument
against generics.

What you're talking about in the above is meta-programing. Doing meta-programing a-la c++ templates is IMO like trying to use square wheels, it is just wrong.

To answer your questions:
D already has better designed tools for this and they keep improving. Don is doing an excellent job in fixing CTFE. I think D needs to go beyond just constant-folding (CTFE) and allow to run any function at compile-time in the same manner it's done in Nemerle (multi-stage compilation).

This is orthogonal to generics. the limitations you see in C# are *not* limitations of its generics but rather of the meta-programing facilities.

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