bearophile wrote:
Travis Boucher:
ldc on the other hand has a great structure which promotes using it as a backend for a different front end, however it doesn't (yet) generic code nearly as good as gcc.

Can you explain better what do you mean?


llvm has been designed for use for code analyzers, compiler development, IDEs, etc. The APIs are well documented and well thought out, as it its IR (which is an assembler-like language itself). It is easy to use small parts of llvm due to its modular structure. Although it's design promotes all sorta of optimization techniques, its still pretty young (compared to gcc) and just doesn't have all of the optimization stuff gcc has.

gcc has evolved over a long time, and contains alot of legacy cruft. It's IR changes on a (somewhat) regular basis, and its internals are a big hairy intertwined mess. Trying to learn one small part of how GCC works often involves learning how alot of other unrelated things work. However, since it is so mature, many different optimization techniques have been developed, and continue to be developed as underlying hardware changes. It also supports generating code for a huge number of targets.

When I say 'ldc' above, I really mean 'llvm' in general.

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