grauzone Wrote:

> bearophile wrote:
> > BCS:
> >> A though on the comma operator: if the comma operator were defined to give 
> >> a tuple type and be implicitly castable to any suffix of it's self, then 
> >> you could get both the comma expression usage that Walter wants as well as 
> >> all the fun things that tuple expressions give.
> > 
> > D2 has enough warts now, so it's much better to not add some more. 
> > Languages must be tidy, when possible. It's often better to not have a 
> > feature that having a dirty one.
> I think in this case, it's more about cleaning up and polishing, than 
> adding "warts".
> The big danger is, that this may require incompatible language changes, 
> which won't be possible anymore after D2. D3? Anyone who talks about D3 
> must be kidding.

So D3 won't ever appear? At least in many open source projects the final 
released is tagged one to two weeks before the final release. Distributions 
have then time to repackage the release. Meanwhile, the core developers are 
already enthusiastically implementing wild new features after a long feature 

It's similar kind of tick-tock as Intel has with their CPU line (1 smaller 
process -> 2 improved core -> goto 1). In successful software projects they 
have alpha/beta period, feature freeze, stabilization period, release, new 
alpha/beta period etc. Concurrently new bugfix releases come out just like with 
D. I haven't heard of new features lately so D2 must be stabilizing now.

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