dsimcha wrote:
== Quote from Chad J (chadj...@__spam.is.bad__gmail.com)'s article
I'm realizing now that returning an object allocated on this stack is a
tricky task unless there is help from the caller.  The lifetime of the
object has to be determined somehow.  The Tango convention makes it
fairly explicit that the parent's scope will be the beginning and the
end for the memory.  If it needs to live longer then the caller just
passes a buffer that isn't stack/scoped memory.  Only the caller really
knows how long the memory needs to hang around.  hmmmmm.

The optional buffer idiom is great for stuff that's returned from a function.  I
use it all the time.  On the other hand, for temporary buffers that are used
internally, whose mere existence is an implementation detail, having the caller
maintain and pass in a buffer is a horrible violation of encapsulation and good
API design, even by the standards of performance-oriented APIs.  Even if you 
it's never going to change, it's still annoying for the caller to even have to
think about these kinds of details.

The design I'm using for SciD is just that,

  double[] algo(params, double[] buffer=null, double[] workspace=null);

and it's already starting to annoy me. I never remember how much workspace memory is required for each algorithm, and constantly have to look it up. I definitely have to do something about it.

(The worst are the LAPACK linear algebra functions. There you have a minimum workspace size, which is easily found in the docs, but for many of them you also have an *optimal* workspace size, which you have to make LAPACK calculate for you. And even the minimum size depends on a lot of factors, like matrix size (naturally), whether the matrix is real or complex, symmetric or hermitian, triangular, etc.)

Still that SuperStack thing would be useful.  It's like alloca but
better (look ma, no cast) and slightly more general (ex: it can be freed
in parent's scope, if you are willing to play it risky).

Yeah, for about the past year I've been playing around with TempAlloc, wich was
basically me taking Andrei's SuperStack idea when it was first proposed and
running with it because I needed it sooner rather than later.  It's basically
encapsulated in dstats.alloc

TempAlloc looks really interesting. I was actually thinking about writing some kind of "preallocated memory pool" mechanism myself, to get rid of all the workspace[]s. If you don't mind, I'll look into using TempAlloc for SciD.

It's got the following advantages over alloca:

1.  Can't overflow unless you're completely out of address space.  As a last
resort, it allocates another chunk of memory from the heap.

When all chunks in a block have been TempAlloc.free()'ed, is the block GC.free()'ed as well? Or is the memory retained for future use? (And if the answer to the last question is 'no', is there a reason not to retain the memory until the program exits, or at least to include an option to?)


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