Andrei Alexandrescu:
>With such a system in place, object.d can essentially gain entire control 
>about an entire program's memory management policy.<

This is interesting, thank you for your answer.

Today you have to design a language not just for what's good for the single 
programmer, and not even just for what's good for a good-sized group of 
programmers working on a single program, but also for what's good for the 
community of programmers that will use the language, how they will share 
reusable components of programs (like the modules you can find in the Python 
and Perl community), you need an ecological point of view too :-) Sometimes 
what's good for the community is not the best for the single programmer. 
Languages today become successful thanks to their community, and way they are 
developed (for example Guido V. Rossum is very good in creating an open source 
community of people interested to develop the Python language and its 
interpreter. Walter in the last years is improving in such regard, but some 
further improvements can be quite useful or even necessary if he wants D2/D3 to 
succeed. The good thing is that Walter is not frozen in place yet, he slowly 
keeps im!
 proving still, this is probably the second most important thing to do to have 
success in life).

So this whole design of gc/refcount has to take into account the needs of good 
modular programming too: what does it happen if you want to create a program 
using modules and packages written by different people that have different 
ideas/needs regarding how to manage memory. An advantage of a the current 
design that uses one GC is that I think such inter-parts interaction problems 
are quite less present.


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