On Sat, Jan 23, 2010 at 12:00:04PM -0500, Steve Teale wrote:
> I see that Go has now usurped D's former place at #13 in Tiobe - which I 
> realize of course does not mean anything. But I'd be interested to hear what 
> the D aficionados think of Go.

There's been a couple threads about it before. My opinion: it is garbage.
It has maybe two or three good ideas in there, but on the whole, it is
a very poor showing. The arrogant developers didn't do any research into
prior art when designing it, and it shows - good ideas are absent without
even a mention. Bad ideas remain in there saying "this is the best we could

The only reason it gets any attention at all is because of the names attached
to it.

Adam D. Ruppe

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