On 06/02/2010 05:11, Walter Bright wrote:
BCS wrote:
If D were to quit providing a NNTP interface, I'd loose interest in
participating in these discussions. Heck, (HINT, HINT, HINT) the fact
that Tango has a forum rather than a news group is half or more of the
reason I don't use it.

I love the news interface, too, and see no reason to give it up. But the
web forums have their advantages, too. That's why I'd like to have a
system that is accessible from both. Post on the web forum, and it is
also posted to NNTP, and vice versa.

Walter, Please take a look at FUDForum. It's a web forum with NNTP support built in. all you need to do is to add a cron job and it'll keep the forum synchronized with NNTP. the cron job imports from NNTP to the forum and updates it and the forum will post to NNTP on behalf of the forum users.

I've tried it on my PC and it works great. I've imported everything from news.digitalmars.com and when I posted to my local forum, it immediately also showed my message with my e-mail on the NG.

Also, I've found a simple NNTP server written in python that has modular back-end support so it can be set-up to provide a bi-directional NNTP interface for various web forums.

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