Hello Andrei,

Justin Johansson wrote:

Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:

Steve Teale wrote:

On Tue, 16 Feb 2010 16:56:33 -0600, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:

Status: copyediting (I'm in a holding pattern) Pages excluding
back matter: 425 Passing unittests: 5363 lines
Failing unittests: 841 lines

Horrible process. Are they going to do the index, or do you have
that joy?

"Near death" is more like it. But I hope the result was worth the

I'll do my own index. By choice!


I read once that Donald Knuth didn't like what his publisher &
type-setter were doing for one of his CS books so he decided to do
his own type-setting.  Also by choice.  The result, of course, was


Much as I love my name being mentioned next to Knuth's, I doubt
anything like TeX will come out of my decision :o). Anyhow, the making
of TDPL was a very interesting experience. I hope one day to write an
article about it.


Some kind of word/phrase selector tool would be interesting. Comparing the occurrence rate of phrases from your text to some relevant corpus and selecting based on that might make for a starting point...

... <IXOYE><

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