Before filing a possible bug report I prefer to ask here, because my ideas are 
often wrong.
This is a small D2 program:

nothrow void foo() {
    // auto a = new int[5]; // not allowed here
    int[int] aa;
    for (int i; i < 100_000_000; i++)
        aa[i] = i;
void main() {

Inside that function foo() you can't put a "new int[5]" I presume because it 
can throw a memory overflow exception. But then why are insertions into an 
associative array allowed? Can't they produce the same memory overflow 
exception? In theory nothrow functions can forbid adding new items to 
associative arrays.

[Related: In Python stack overflows are normal exceptions that you can catch, 
etc. But I presume it's OK for nothrow functions in D2 to not refuse the 
possibility of a stack overflow error, because essentially all D2 functions can 
produce stack overflows, if before calling them the stack was filled up.]


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