On 1.3.2010 12:47, Steven Schveighoffer wrote:
On Mon, 01 Mar 2010 04:11:28 -0500, Ivan <ivan.se...@gmail.com> wrote:

The part of code in my main method is this:

try {
writefln("Starting main loop...");
writefln("Main loop finished...");
} catch(Exception e) {
writefln("Exception was: %s", e.msg);

From what I can see an exception was thrown ("unable to write to
stream") and the only line I added to the loop is this:

writefln(". %s", counter++);

If that line is removed, an exception seams to be thrown from the line
writefln("Main loop finished...");

Post more code. I suspect you are messing up something. It appears that
you may be closing stdout, but I can't be sure because your code is not

The code can be seen here: http://github.com/ivans/ifs3D
I didn't and still don't want to bother anyone too much. :)

It should compile on windows with a command found in a readme file.

I don't think I am closing stdout anywhere and I probably am doing something wrong somewhere, but can't figure out where and what.

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