On Thu, 04 Mar 2010 17:37:55 -0500, Matt Wilson
<matthewwil...@acm.org> wrote:

>Pantheios is an open source C/C++ Logging API library, offering an optimal 
>combination of 100% type-safety, efficiency, genericity and extensibility. It 
>is simple to use and extend, highly-portable (platform and 
>compiler-independent) and, best of all, it upholds the C tradition of you only 
>pay for what you use.
>Pantheios supports logging of message statements of arbitrary complexity, 
>consisting of heterogeneous types.
>Pantheios supports filtering of log messages based on severity level including 
>(but not limited to) the eight levels defined by the SysLog protocol.
>Pantheios supports back-end output, individually and in combination, to 
>stderr/stdout, SysLog (including a custom implementation of the SysLog 
>protocol for Windows), Windows debugger, Windows event log, COM Error Object, 
>Speech, or any custom back-end extension you care to write. Importantly, 
>Pantheios is readily extended to use the existing transport mechanisms of 
>feature-rich logging libraries such as ACE, log4cpp, log4cplus, log4cxx.
>Pantheios does not contain any compiler-specific or platform-specific 
>constructs. It supports UNIX (including Linux and Mac OS-X), and Windows, and 
>should work with any operating system. It is known to be compatible with 
>Borland (5.6+), Comeau (4.3.3+), Digital Mars (8.45+), GCC (3.4+), Intel (7+), 
>Metrowerks (8+), Microsoft Visual C++ (6.0+), and should work with any 
>reasonably modern C++ compiler.
>Pantheios is completely free and includes source released under a BSD-style 
>license. Commercial servics, including bespoke customisations, are available 
>by Synesis Software Pty Ltd; http://synesis.com.au/contact.html
>Pantheios Training is provided by Synesis Software Pty Ltd; details at 
>Release 1.0.1 beta 195 incorporates:
> * pantheios::w2m inserter class now accepts arbitrary wide string types (e.g. 
> std::wstring, stlsoft::simple_wstring)
> * enhanced component test for pantheios::w2m inserter class
> * NOTE: Now requires STLSoft 1.9.94
>Download from: 
>Discuss at: http://sourceforge.net/forum/forum.php?forum_id=475313
>Pantheios website: http://pantheios.org/
>Note: this release of Pantheios requires STLSoft 1.9.94, or later; download 
>from http://stlsoft.org/

Does Pantheios have D headers?


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