Steven Schveighoffer wrote:
On Mon, 08 Mar 2010 13:21:14 -0500, Andrei Alexandrescu <> wrote:

Steven Schveighoffer wrote:
Hm... this seems to be a different problem than I originally was thinking about. So in essence, you want a set of "safe" functions that will not adversely affect a range you are using to iterate with?

That's the idea. Any documentation of STL containers specifies whether iterators are invalidated or not by a primitive. The plan is to simply define a nomenclature (i.e. "softXxx") for primitives that don't invalidate iterators. That moves the documentation into the name of the function.

What I meant was, your example only focuses on the iterator being advanced in the loop. Another iterator might be invalidated that is not used in the remove function. Was that the intent?

The examples were given just to illustrate common cases when invalidation is relevant. As I mentioned, interesting cases occur when long-distance effects occur. The Observer pattern is a perfect example.

BTW, I solved this problem (removing while iterating) in a much better/simpler way in dcollections.

Do tell!

I created a method purge, which is used as an opApply in a foreach loop like so:

foreach(ref erase, v; &container.purge)
   erase = should_delete_this_guy;

Very nifty indeed!

One nifty thing about this, purging an entire collection is an O(n) up to O(nlgn) operation, whereas purging a vector as you wrote is an O(n*n) operation.

Good point. The loop with erase is good if you have to occasionally erase some element; for bulk conditional erasures the canonical STL approach is to use remove() followed by erase():

I found that one of the biggest reasons I liked about STL's containers over others that I've used is the ability to remove elements from the container while iterating. Java allows this also, but no foreach, and it doesn't make optimizations, since the iterator is in charge of removal, not the container itself.

Yah, the tail that removes the dog. That's one of the reasons I think Java's containers are missing more points than one. In fact the more I think of Java containers, the more reasons I find to dislike them. To me they're more of a point of negative potential in the design space that needs to be carefully navigated away from.


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