Walter Bright wrote:
grauzone wrote:
Data this small you would simply copy. Because it's so small, copying won't have negative performance impact. The OS approach can be used for large data (at least in the order of hundreds of KB) and immutable parts of the data segment.

You'd also have to transitively copy everything referenced.

If that becomes a problem depends entirely from how the message passing API (or whatever) is used*. And the only common case where this works really elegantly are strings. (But most strings are short and could be copied effortlessly.)

On the contrary, frequently allocating immutable data on a shared heap just to transfer it to another thread isn't going to be very efficient either. You won't be able to go with a shared GC forever, because it SO doesn't scale with multiprocessing.

* This stuff probably depends a lot on actual use cases. Did you or Andrei envision anything in this direction? I figure you thought about this much more than e.g. me, but I never hear any concrete things.

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