bobef wrote:
> Hello all,
> I was wondering if someone know of way to obfuscate all the strings and 
> function names and class names inside DMD Windows generated exe file. Opening 
> the file with notepad shows all kinds of strings and names in clear text and 
> since my application handles some sensitive data it gives me an extra feeling 
> of insecurity. Any suggestions?
> Thanks

module seakrit;

char[] supar_enkript(char[] mah_secret)
    char[] result = mah_secret.dup;
    for( size_t i=0; i<result.length; ++i )
        result[i] = ~result[i];
    return result;

alias supar_enkript supar_dekript;

const supar_seakrit_password = supar_enkript("O HAI THAR");


void main()
    Stdout("Tha supar seakrit password is: ")

Note that simply using supar_enkript("O HAI THAR") isn't sufficient; you
have to make sure you trigger compile-time evaluation or you'll end up
with the seakrit in the object file.

For extra sekuritee, put supar_enkript in another module that you never
link to.

Of course, the reason for all the bad spelling is to indicate that this
isn't really something I can imagine helping.  If your program handles
sensitive data, protect the data, not your program.

If your program *contains* sensitive information, don't give it to the
wrong people.

If someone is really, seriously determined to get at that information,
there's nothing you can do to stop them.

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