Jérôme M. Berger wrote:
> Ali Çehreli wrote:
>> � wrote:
>>> The idea is to build a value that is  between minA and maxA and will
>>> set as many bits as possible when or'ed with maxB:
>> The assumption that maxB would be the value that produces the maximum
>> a|b is not correct. A lower valued b may fill more gaps in the bit
>> representation of what is calculated from min_a and max_a.
>> Your function failed for me with the following values:
>>            min_a 00000000000000000000000011001000 000000c8        200
>>            max_a 00000000000000000000001100001111 0000030f        783
>>            min_b 00000000000000000000000001000101 00000045         69
>>            max_b 00000000000000000000001001100001 00000261        609
>>       calculated 00000000000000000000001001100101 00000265        613
>> WRONG! empirical 00000000000000000000001111111111 000003ff       1023
>>        emp_max_a 00000000000000000000000110011110 0000019e        414
>>        emp_max_b 00000000000000000000001001100001 00000261        609
>> Please see my test code elsewhere in the same thread: :)
>> http://www.digitalmars.com/webnews/newsgroups.php?art_group=digitalmars.D&article_id=108851
>    The "calculated" value above obviously was not computed with my
> function!

My mistake: It was your function but the highbit() that I used was not correct. The one I used was returning the *value* of the highest bit.

> Since the return value from my function includes maxA and
> maxB, at least all bits that are set in either of those should be
> set in the output.
>    I've run my code with those input and the result is 3ff as
> expected... (See attached source file).

Perhaps my test code is wrong; but I can't find my error. :/

Your function reports 0b_111 for these set of values:

        min_a = 5;
        max_a = 6;
        min_b = 4;
        max_b = 4;

But the maximum value of a|b is 6.


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