On Thu, 22 Apr 2010 20:51:44 -0300, bearophile <bearophileh...@lycos.com> wrote:
If you have no special reason to use float or double and are not IO or memory space bound, use real. Every machine I know the details of will use it in the FPU so the only general advantage to not using it is IO speed and data

Take one of the little ray-tracers written in D from my site, test its running speed compiled with ldc, replace doubles with reals, and time it again. You will see a nice performance difference. LDC FP performance is not good if it doesn't use SSE registers.


Ray-tracers are insanely memory IO bound, not compute bound, bearophile. So what you're seeing is the difference between 80-bits and 64-bits of memory, not the FP performance.

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