In a recent post I have asked to complete D Contract Programming with loop 
invariants, similar to Eiffel ones:

Now I am reading a good book about algorithms that uses loop invariants often. 
And then I have just read this nice blog post that shows well why sometimes it 
can be quite useful to define loop invariants, here to write a correct binary 

A syntax for loop invariants is not necessary in D, just as a syntax for 
contracts or documentation comments is not necessary, but they help formalize 
and enforce a good practice, as I have written in the past post:
- It self-documents its purpose;
- You can't forget to create a new scope, this is a little safer;
- In future it can be enforced to be @readonly (that is, the programmer can be 
sure the code inside the invariant can't modify the variables in outside the 
scope of the invariant, but can read them);
- There can be only one loop invariant, and it must be before the body of the 
loop. This helps better separate the asserts from the body of the loop, and 
keeps things tidy.

In practice in my opinion many loops in a D program don't need to contain an 
explicit loop invariant, this is true even in Eiffel programs. It's mostly 
useful in more complex loops, like when you want to write a binary search. But 
the loop invariant syntax I've proposed is light and easy to read, and it's 
optional, so I think it doesn't hurt if you don't want to use it in many cases. 
But when you want it, it's there (the successive blog post will probably be 
about the loop variant, that's useful to be more sure that a loop ends).


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