
>It seems pretty useless to me. Wanting to make a distinction between "this 
>will not compile" and "this will not compile _because it hits a static 
>assert_" is an *extremely* niche feature. Because the only times I can imagine 
>that you'd care would be because you wanted to ensure it gave a "nice" error 
>message. And to do that, you'd have to actually check the test of the static 

Let's assume you are right, that making such distinction is generally useless.

In my unittests I write one or two tests every time something contains a static 
assert (plus other tests for other compile time errors). So even if you are 
right, I have to use a syntax like this often enough inside unittests:

static assert(!__traits(compiles, foo(10)));

So for this I'd like a simpler syntax.

>And the idea of creating a whole heirarchy of compile-time exceptions for this 

No hierarchy required, sorry, the examples I have written for 'static throws' 
were all wrong.

Thank you for your answers,

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