On Tue, 25 May 2010 02:26:02 -0400, Kagamin <s...@here.lot> wrote:

Recently I've hit a problem with collections in C#. Given classes
class A {}
class B {}
And two collections Collection<A> and Collection<B> it's possible to concat them into an array A[]. The efficient way to do it is to use CopyTo(T[],int) method, but it accepts only array of exact collection item's type, so I had to change the Collection<B> type to Collection<A>.

Did you mean

class B : A {} ?

According to this page, it says that an exception could be thrown if "Type T cannot be cast automatically to the type of the destination array." This implies that a destination array type to which T could automatically be cast should work.


But the larger point that compile-time code generation can help with this is valid.


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