On 05/25/2010 06:18 PM, bearophile wrote:
Andrei Alexandrescu:

I feel this design is pretty close to what I really wanted.<

Good :-)

How is opApply playing in the design of the containers? Can opSlice return a 
struct that defines opApply?

I hope to work with ranges only.

There are a bunch of "soft" primitives. Those are meant to put a stop to
the iterator invalidation problems experienced in the STL.

I can suggest another thing, that doesn't replace this idea, but can make the 
nonsoft primitives a little safer when the program is compiled in nonrelease 
mode: http://d.puremagic.com/issues/show_bug.cgi?id=4179

Will look into it, sounds like an implementation matter.

any container must be a reference type, whether implemented as a class or 

This probably makes their usage simpler, so this can be the right decision. But 
then you can't define something like a TinyHashSet or a StaticBitSet that are 
better allocated on the stack... (a StaticBitSet is a struct template I have 
defined, at compile time you give it its length and it gets allocated on the 
stack, and represents a set of integers in an intgerval, or something similar).

I'm guessing some value container-like entities wouldn't harm if they can easily be converted to references.

Why is length O(log(n))? If a linked list has no length field, to compute its 
length it has to scan all of it.

I forgot the case I had in mind. I know that opSlice() must be O(log n) for e.g. tree traversals. Probably some trees could save some state if they exploit O(log n) length.

make(): this has just killed the new :-)

Among the standard primitives is it useful to have something to ask the actual 
computational complexity of a specific operation of a specific container? There 
are some ways to implement this, the simplest is to define enum with the most 
common complexities, and then a collection can contain an enum (const) value 
for each operation, something like:
enum lengthComplexity = CompComplexity.linear;
I don't know if this can be useful (to choose collections, to infer code 
complexity, etc).

If it can be used gainfully, that would be great. Intriguing idea.


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