Simen kjaeraas:

I think you have missed one important point: that was not my list of things I'd 
like in D2/D3. It contains some cute things, but it's first of all a summary of 
the linked stackoverflow thread. My personal list of desiderata for D3 is 

> Absolutely. While it's possible today, some more sugar wouldn't hurt.

I think Walter said this can't be implemented :)
The items alignment of function arguments used by D tuples is not fitting to 
return a struct. I have not understood the details of this thing, and in the 
end I don't care if returning a struct can decrease performance a bit...

> > in for arrays:
> Yes.

I think Walter doesn't like this because he thinks "in" has to always look for 
keys, and keys of an array are its indexes. I don't agree with Walter here, but 
I don't think he will change his mind soon.

> Neat. Worthy an @keyword, I think. "@flag enum foo {...}"

It's cute. But Don hates attributes :-) Recently I have created a thread about 
this, and some one has written a good enough implementation in normal D code, 
that can be "good enough".

> I feel this is a tad too sweet. On the one hand I like it, on the
> other I feel it will lead to bugs at a later point, by hiding null
> pointers and not teaching programmers to deal with them.
> "Add a ? to all object accesses. It is magical and removes bugs."

I agree. It can be handy but it can lead to bugs too, so I don't know what to 
think about it.

> Given an event system, what are the advantages to language
> support for this?

I don't know.

> > Exception grouping to avoid duplicating the same handling logic
> Very nice.

I have proposed something similar time ago. Python uses a tuple of possible 
exceptions, I was not expecting D to allow only one of them. Some form of this 
can be added to D2.

> > @memoize
> >
> > Or something similar user-defined. It is really useful, to avoid coding  
> > true dynamic programming algorithms.
> This again is to sweet for me. What does @memoize do? Does it
> store the last 5 results? All results? The last result only?
> Does it depend on the phase of the moon, time of day and what
> socks I'm wearing?

That's why I have said user-defined (in Python too it's user defined), so you 
can define and use the one you prefer. But currently D properties are not 
flexible enough to allow programmers to define them.

> So "a as b" rather than "cast(b)(a)" or "to!(b)(a)"? Or is there
> some other magic at work that I don't see?

I think there is no magic, it's just syntax sugar.


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