Thu, 03 Jun 2010 21:34:05 -0400, Adam Ruppe wrote:

> I recently rewrote a huge PHP application in D2. It isn't a completely
> fair comparison, since the PHP was written by, well to be polite, PHP
> "programmers", but the results were pretty astounding.
> 90% reduction in lines of code [!], 200% improvement in speed under
> heavy load (only 50% improvement under light load, still good, but not
> as good), and the code is actually maintainable! Also, the original took
> about a year for the first team to write. My D rewrite took 6 weeks. Oh
> yeah, and the PHP is riddled with security holes. Not so much with the
> D.

News at eleven! A rewrite of a shitty old version is better than the 
original. Now this proves that especially D2 should be used for rewriting 
everything! How surprising.

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