On Mon, Jun 7, 2010 at 11:19 AM, Walter Bright

> Adam Ruppe wrote:
>> That sucks hard. I prefer it to finally{} though, since finally
>> doesn't scale as well in code complexity (it'd do fine in this case,
>> but not if there were nested transactions), but both suck compared to
>> the scalable, beautiful, and *correct* elegance of D's scope guards.
> I agree. D's scope statement looks fairly innocuous and one can easily pass
> it by with "blah, blah, another statement, blah, blah" but the more I use it
> the more I realize it is a
>        game changer
> in how one writes code. For example, here's the D1 implementation of
> std.file.read:
> -------------------------------------------------------------
> ...

> ----------------------------------------------------------
> Note the complex logic to recover and unwind from errors (none of the
> called functions throw exceptions), and the care with which this is
> constructed to ensure everything is done properly. Contrast this with D2's
> version written by Andrei:
> ...
> The code is the same logic, but using scope it is dramatically simplified.
> There's not a single control flow statement in it! Furthermore, it is
> correct even if functions like CloseHandle throw exceptions.

Hmm, but I can actually understand your code.  :-(


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