retard wrote:
Tue, 08 Jun 2010 19:43:26 +0800, KennyTM~ wrote:

On Jun 8, 10 15:55, retard wrote:
Mon, 07 Jun 2010 18:16:15 -0400, Nick Sabalausky wrote:

"Nick Sabalausky"<a...@a.a>  wrote in message
"Nick Sabalausky"<a...@a.a>  wrote in message
Assuming, of course, a 'max' that works on a range, which would be
easy enough to do. Probably something like:

ElementType!T max(T range)  // Corrected

    return reduce!ordinaryMax(range);
    // Or
    return reduce!"a>b?a:b"(range);


alias reduce!"a>b?a:b" max;

God, I love D :)
max = reduce>

FSM, I love<funfunfun>. :)
If there's any language allowing defining a max like this, it has
implemented reduce (a.k.a. fold) wrongly.

Right, I should not have used the symbol >, but last post was right after I woke up. Let's say it depends on the definition of > :)

Hey retard, you are a legend.

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