Walter Bright wrote:

> nobody wrote:
>> Linus Torvalds shows his opinion about why he chooses C here:
>> He wants a language that context-free, simple, down to the metal.
>> He dislikes C++ b/c it has many abstraction.
>> I think some D experts should post some comments.
> I posted a comment. We'll see.

He seems to particularly dislike function overloading which is not only part 
of D but pretty integral to object-oriented programming in general, so my 
guess is that he wouldn't be all that enthused with any object-oriented 
language. At minimium, it would have to give him something that he thought 
was definitely worth the extra cost of dealing with function overloading. 
While D certainly improves greatly on C++ (including in how it deals with 
function overloading), it's close enough to C++ that I suspect that he 
wouldn't like it either. But of course, he'd have to actually look at D and 
then tell us what he thought for us to know for sure.

- Jonathan M Davis

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