Deeply nested in the thread "Marketing of D", the creator or D wrote

"D has design principles, but those principles are often contradictory. I don't see a good reason to follow a design principle out of principle if it destroys the utility of the language."

For the assurance of the believers, the swaying-over of the disbelievers and for the amusement of the bystanders (the D-agnostics), it would be great to have those design principles re-articulated here.

For my own satisfaction, I would like to know if the "D design principles" (whatever they are) are concert with some fundamental axioms from which the rest of the D language is formulated by induction or some other mathematically/logically satisfying instrument.

So may I ask of the creator of D what exactly are the design principles of the language. In particular, I would be very interested to hear whether or not the type system aspects of the language are coherent.

Justin Johansson

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