On 14/06/2010 21:52, bearophile wrote:
I have found a Reddit discussion few days old:

 It contains this, that I quote (I have no idea if it's true), plus

At Google using uints of all kinds for anything other than bitmasks
or other inherently bit-y, non computable things is strongly
discouraged. This includes things like array sizes, and the
warnings for conversion of size_t to int are disabled. I think it's
a good call.<

I have expressed similar ideas here:

Unless someone explains me why I am wrong, I will keep thinking that
using unsigned words to represent lengths and indexes, as D does, is
wrong and unsafe, and using signed words (I think C# uses ints for
that purpose) in D is a better design choice.

Well for a start, you lose half your addressable memory.

unsigned numbers are only a problem if you don't understand how they work, but that goes for just about everything else as well.

Personally I hate the use of signed numbers as array indices; it's moronic and demonstrates the writers lack of understanding. It's very rare to actually want to index an array with a negative number.
Last time I did that was years ago when writing in assembler; and that
was an optimisation hack to squeeze maximum performance out of my code.


Item getItem(int indx) {
  if(indx >= 0 && indx < _arr.length)
    return _arr[indx];
  throw new Error(...)


// cleaner no?
Item getItem(uint indx) {
  if(indx < _arr.length)
    return _arr[indx];
  throw new Error(...)

and backwards iteration:

for(int i = end - 1; i >= 0; --i)


for(uint i = end - 1; i < length; --i)

Ok about the same, but I find the second more clear, the
i < length clearly indicates iteration over the whole array.

And that second wrong bit of code on the blog is wrong
with signed numbers as well:

int len = strlen(some_c_str);
// say some_c_str is empty so len = 0
int i;
for (i = 0; i < len - 1; ++i) {
  // so len - 1 == -1
  // iterate until i wraps round and becomes -1

Using 'int's doesn't magically fix it. Wrong code is just wrong.

I do think that allowing un-casted assignments between signed/unsigned is a problem though; that's where most of the bugs creep up I've come across crop up. I think D should simply disallow implicit mixing of signd-ness.

Hasn't that been discussed before? (I'm not referring to the recent post in d.learn) It seems familiar.

My enormous talent is exceeded only by my outrageous laziness.

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