On 06/17/2010 11:44 PM, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:
There are currently two regexen in the standard library. The older one,
std.regexp, is time-tested but only works with UTF8 and has a clunkier
API. The newer one, std.regex, is newer and isolates the engine from the
matches (and therefore can reuse and cache engines easier), and supports
all character widths. But it's less tested and doesn't have that great
of an interface because it pretty much inherits the existing one.

I wish to improve regex handling in Phobos. The most important
improvement is not in the interface - it's in the engine. The current
engine is adequate but nothing to write home about, and for simple
regexen is markedly slower than equivalent hand-written code (e.g.
matching whitespace). One great opportunity would be for D to leverage
its uncanny compile-time evaluation abilities and offer a regex that
parses the pattern during compilation:

foreach (s; splitter(line, sregex!",[ \t\r]*")) { ... }

Such a static regex could be simpler than a full-blown regex with
captures and backreferences etc., but it would have guaranteed
performance (e.g. it would be an automaton instead of a backtracking
engine) and would be darn fast because it would generate custom code for
each regex pattern.

See related work:


If we get as far as implementing what RE2 can do with compile-time
evaluation, people will definitely notice.

If there's anyone who'd want to tackle such a project (for Phobos or
not), I highly encourage you to do so.


Generally I think D's CT capabilities have a way to go yet before this would be worth tackling. E.g. how do you build a parse tree if pointers and classes aren't allowed in CT code?

But, predicated on the assumption that it will happen relatively soon..

What do we want our regex language to look like?

this: http://digitalmars.com/ctg/regular.html

is okay, but I like the idea of ascii and unicode character classes as per RE2's syntax, and I don't like the idea of an overloaded \n.

(I assume we're talking about strings as bidirectional unicode ranges)

and I would like to see the language grammar explicitly written out somewhere.

and I like the idea of capture groups. Thinking of something along the lines of

import std.regex;

int i;
double d;

ctcapture!r"(?<i>\d+): (?<d>\d+\.\d+)"( "10: 100.5"); //this will probably have to be inside a mixin statement
assert(i == 10);
assert(d == 100.5); //grumph, floating point..

for that matter, why not some predefined subexpressions corresponding to D's integer literals, et al? And available inside the regex?

ctcapture!r"(?<i>{:IntegerLiteral:}): (?<d>{:FloatLiteral:})" // Yeah, I know. You come up with a better syntax
  ("10: 0xEA.A1p-2");

Okay, I'm done dreaming. I don't know how much of the above can be done within the constraints of an FA. How much sense does regex over unicode make? Do others have ideas for features for regex?

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