On Sun, 20 Jun 2010 02:08:07 +0900, Robert Jacques <sandf...@jhu.edu> wrote:

On Sat, 19 Jun 2010 00:02:28 -0400, Masahiro Nakagawa <repeate...@gmail.com> wrote:

mp_Object is based on std.json.JSONValue.
Variant can't have mp_pack method.
Hmm..., I check Variant again.

Well, std.json is an incomplete, alpha library that's buggy and unreviewed. For example, the design is currently very C-ish with structs, enums, functions and exceptions all being independent top level constructs.

I checked Variant, but Variant[Variant] doesn't work... :(

If Phobos has std.serializer like Orange(or Doost.Serialization?),
I will implement MsgPackArchive.
But general serializer usually is low-performance and lacks some features. So when user wants performance, user will use Packer and Unpacker directly.

I'd disagree, with regard to performance: there's no reason why a general (cycle free) serializer would be slower than your direct routines. A serializer's only job is to pack/unpack complex objects correctly: the key advantage is that polymorphic objects/struct only have to support one custom serialization routine/mixin. Also, separating physical-encoding from logical-encoding allows for some very powerful idioms. You could, for example, add cycle detection/support to msgpack by having the serializer write in a micro-format on-top of msgpack. Another, more important example is letting the user decide between an array and a map representation for structs/objects. Using arrays for objects is extremely brittle. If say, a new hire refactors a class from A{ int x; int y;} to A{ int y; int x; } you now have an extremely hard to find and track down logic bug in your program. To say nothing about trying to upgrade an implementation. On the other hand, using maps for objects adds a decent amount of overhead to the total serialized length.

Yeah, It's a implementation-dependent problem. So I wrote "usually".
If Phobos supports good serializer, I will remove Packer and direct-conversion Unpacker.

Other little things,
-Why isn't nil mapped to null?


MsgPack has a nil type which I assume is equivalent to null. So why isn't it simply included in the object serializer (and arguably also in the array and map serializer as well)?

Sorry, I can't understand this statement. Nullable types(class, array and associative-array)
is serialized to nil if null.

For that matter, packNil, packTrue, packFalse, etc are all redundant with pack(T).

I removed packTrue, packFalse.

Furthermore, stream, packArray, packMap and packRaw all should be internal routines. (Though, a rawPack(T)(T value) routine might not go amiss)

I moved packRaw to internal method, but packArray and packMap should be public.
MessagePack's array and map can contain any type.

(Returns: this to method chain. => Returns: self. i.e. for method chaining )


Oh, as for packing real you'll need to use CustomFloat!(80) for cross platform inter-op. Also, it shouldn't be @system: there's nothing memory-unsafe about writing or reading them. Please don't abuse @system, etc for meanings other their intended meanings.

I forgot this. CutstomFloat was already fixed by you and David in trunk.
I added 80bit floating point support for non-x86 environment.


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