mwarning wrote:

I try to pass a static array to a variadic C function.
Looks like the array is passed by values as expected,
but the length and pointer are prepended, too.
Is this intentional or a bug?

Fixed sized arrays don't have ptr and length members:

import std.stdio;

void main()
    int[5] array;
    writeln(array.sizeof);           // prints 20
    writeln(array.ptr, ' ', &array); // prints the save value

The code you've pasted has this:

extern(C) void* foo(uint x, ...)
    Stdout("x: ")(x).nl;
    Stdout("y: ")(*(&x + 1)).nl; //outputs 64!
    return null;

The expression *(&x + 1) is undefined behavior, because (&x + 1) is not valid, i.e. not specified to be accessible by the language.


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