On 06/21/2010 08:28 PM, bearophile wrote:
Andrei Alexandrescu:

That's not too difficult; for integers, retro(iota(a, b)) could actually be a 
rewrite to iota(b - 1, a, -1).<

This is good. In my dlibs the xchain converts xchain(xchain(x, y), z) and 
similar into xchain(x, y, z).

Figuring out all corner cases, steps greater than 1, and what to do for floating 
point numbers is doable but not trivial either, and works against modularity.<

I suggest to focus on the most important case, integer/uint indexes (and +1 or 
-1 increment).

My post has shown some different problems:
- A longer compilation time (and binary size)
- A 1/10 performance when the code is compiled in standard way, this is bad
- a smaller performance when the code is compiled in optimized mode.

The asm of the opt version shows calls to two or more functions inside the 
loop, and one of those functions is not so small, this probably reduces 
performance more than an extra inlined product. So in my opinion getting rid of 
those calls (inlining them) is more important if you want a faster retro(iota).


I have added your last version:

// test4
import std.c.stdio: printf;
import std.range: iota;
void main() {
     enum int N = 100_000_000;
     int count;
     foreach (i; iota(N - 1, 0, -1))
     printf("%d\n", count);

Running time, best of 3, seconds:
   test1:     0.31
   test1 opt: 0.07
   test2:     0.31
   test2 opt: 0.12
   test3:     6.38
   test3 opt: 0.52
   test4:     4.70
   test4 opt: 1.25

not opt version = dmd (no other option)
opt version = dmd -O -release -inline

Compile times opt version, seconds:
   test1: 0.05
   test2: 0.05
   test3: 0.28
   test4: 0.29

The compilation time is the same, the not-opt test4 is faster than not-opt 
test3, but opt test4 is quite slower than opt test3.


Thanks. Hmm. I redefined iota as follows:

struct Iota(N, S) if ((isIntegral!N || isPointer!N) && isIntegral!S) {
    private N current, pastLast;
    private S step;
    this(N current, N pastLast, S step)
        enforce(step != 0 && current != pastLast);
        this.current = current;
        this.step = step;
        if (step > 0)
            this.pastLast = pastLast - 1;
            this.pastLast -= (this.pastLast - current) % step;
            this.pastLast = pastLast + 1;
            this.pastLast += (this.pastLast - current) % step;
        this.pastLast += step;
    bool empty() const { return current == pastLast; }
    N front() { return current; }
    alias front moveFront;
    void popFront()
        current += step;
    N back() { return pastLast - step; }
    alias back moveBack;
    void popBack()
        pastLast -= step;
    Iota save() { return this; }
    N opIndex(size_t n)
        return current + step * n;
    size_t length()
        return (pastLast - current) / step;

Iota!(CommonType!(B, E), S)
iota(B, E, S)(B begin, E end, S step)
if (is(typeof((E.init - B.init) + 1 * S.init)))
    return Iota!(CommonType!(B, E), S)(begin, end, step);

I optimized things such that the commonly used path (many calls to empty, front, and popFront) is as fast as possible. The initial work will be amortized for most loops.

On my machine, test4 is still 2x slower than foreach_reverse in an optimized build. The disassembly reveals that the compiler refuses to inline some calls, which is disappointing as their bodies are very simple.


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