On Tue, 22 Jun 2010 20:59:55 +0000, Ben Hanson wrote:

> All the code for this library needs to absolutely as fast as it can be.
> As it turns out, by intersecting regex charsets once in the code then it
> won't take that many cycles, but the only question I have is:
> Will the optimiser create as fast code if you use indexes compared to
> pointers?

Probably not always, but there is no reason it shouldn't.  In the cases 
where it doesn't, I'd say it is a compiler bug.

In my opinion, you should always go the clean and safe route, and use 
arrays.  And if someone complains that your code is slow, blame the 
compiler. ;)

   "Premature optimization is the root of all evil."
              -- Donald Knuth


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