Eric Poggel Wrote:

> I think this type of fragmentation could only hurt things--and has 
> already, except that phobos has become more open.
> With fragmentation you have less effort for each.  One complete product 
> is far better than two half-implemented ones.

The thing is that people will work on what they want no matter what the 
"community" says. If they are interest in developing and improving D1+Tango 
they may have no interest in D2+Phobos (even if D1+Tango didn't exist)

I think it would be interesting to see D1 continue to progress (release of 
D1.1?) But since it hasn't caught on I can't imagine very many new users would 
choose it now that D2 is entering maintenance. Personally I really like the new 
Phobos and wouldn't want to go back to Tango.

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