I did something similar some time ago:

import std.stdio;

struct EnumDescription
  char[] name;
  char[] description;

// generates an enum, an associated string table and a "save" lookup
// function which determines the string which belongs to an given enum
char[] generate_enum(char[] enumname, EnumDescription[] list)
  // create enum declaration
  char result[] = "enum " ~ enumname ~ "{";
  foreach(entry; list)
    result ~= entry.name ~ ",";
  result ~= "};";

  // create description array
result ~= `private static char[][` ~ enumname ~ `.max + 1] s_` ~ enumname ~ `ToString =
  foreach(entry; list)
result ~= enumname ~ "." ~ entry.name ~ ` : "` ~ entry.description ~ `",`;
  result ~= "];";

  // create save "toString" function
  result ~= `static char[] ` ~ enumname ~ `ToString(` ~ enumname ~ ` type)
  if (type <= ` ~ enumname ~ `.max)
    return s_` ~ enumname ~ `ToString[type];
  return "<invalid enum, no description available>";

  return result;

const EnumDescription[] ErrorList =
  { "INTERNAL_ERROR"       , "internal error" },
  { "ALLOCATION_ERROR"     , "allocation error" },
  { "INTEGER_EXPECTED"     , "integer expected" },

mixin(generate_enum("ErrorType", ErrorList));

void main()
writefln(ErrorType.ALLOCATION_ERROR, " : ", ErrorTypeToString(ErrorType.ALLOCATION_ERROR));



Walter Bright schrieb:

Even though D doesn't have a text macro preprocessor, this can be done using string mixins and a bit of CTFE.

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