Hi PC,

Thanks for your kind words.

Regarding regex, we need to get a report into bugzilla so we keep track of the problem. When you say "disable the call to optimize" are you referring to the -O compiler flag? In that case it's a compiler problem (otherwise it might be a library issue). Could you please clarify?



On 07/11/2010 06:29 AM, PC wrote:
Hi, I've been lurking in this group for a few months, have read
through TDPL (which is great Andrei) and have started using D for
small programs. So far it's been a joy to use (you may have a C++
convert on your hands) and with the convenience of rdmd, I've been
using it where I'd normally use a scripting language.

It's been pretty good for this especially as Phobos has had almost
everything I've wanted to do covered. I have run into some issues
std.regex matching empty subexpressions though (dmd 2.047, win32):

     auto r1 = regex( "(a*)b" );
     auto m = match( "b", r1 );
     writefln( "captures = %s, empty = %s", m.captures.length,
m.empty );

=>  captures = 0, empty = true

If I disable the call to optimize, it gives the expected results:

=>  captures = 2, empty = false

Also, with optimize disabled:

     auto r = regex("([^,]*),([^,]*),([^,]*)");
     m = match( ",,", r );
     writefln( "captures = %s, empty = %s", m.captures.length,
m.empty );

=>  captures = 3, empty = false

I noticed in Captures:

         @property size_t length()
             foreach (i; 0 .. matches.length)
                 if (matches[i].startIdx>= input.length) return i;
             return matches.length;

In this case matches[3].startIdx = 2 and matches[3].endIdx=2. Should
this line be:

      if (matches[i].startIdx>  input.length) return i;

Anyway kudos to everyone involved with D, I'm certainly going to be
using it a lot in the future.

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