On Thu, 15 Jul 2010 04:28:43 -0400, Vladimir Panteleev <vladi...@thecybershadow.net> wrote:

On Thu, 15 Jul 2010 10:18:38 +0300, Jonathan M Davis <jmdavisp...@gmail.com> wrote:

Okay. I really don't know much about garbage collectors, how they work, or what makes one particularly good or bad (other than the fact that it needs to be efficient execution-wise and manage memory wisely so that you don't use too much of it or do anything else that would be an overall negative for performance). However, from the comments here - both recent and in the past - it's pretty clear that D's garbage collector is fairly outdated. I would assume that that would be negative for performance - certainly it would mean that significant improvements could be made.

IMO the D GC isn't bad, it's just mediocre. (It could have been way worse.)

I would like to use this opportunity to bring up a GC implementation written by Jeremie Pelletier, which seems to have gone mostly unnoticed when it was posted as a reply to D.announce:

Aside from multiple optimizations across the board, this GC employs an interesting different strategy. The gist of it is that it iteratively destroys only objects that have no immediate references. In the case of long linked lists, this trades destruction complexity with scan complexity, which is a very good change - most times deeply-nested structures such as linked lists survive multiple generational cycles.

Wouldn't that mean it can't handle cycles?

Jeremie, if you're reading this: how goes your D2 runtime project?

(I also have an unfinished generational GC lying around, which is still unknown if it's viable performance-wise - I should really try to finish it one day.)

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